Faculty of Cultural Materials Conservation - Bahram Ajorloo

Name Bahram Ajorloo
Academic Position Associate Professor
Degree PHD
Section Archaeology
Educational Background University of Tehran
Modified Date 1395/08/17
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 Associate Professor in Archaeology
                         Department: Archaeology and Archaeometry
                    Office Room Number: 550 Central Pardis Building

Address:    Tabriz Islamic Art University 
                  Department of Archaeometry
                  Hakim Nizami Ganjavi Sq.
                  Tabriz 51647-36931


Educational background

Phd.  Archaeology, Department of Archaeology, University of Tehran
M.A., Archaeology, Department of Archaeology, University of Tehran 
B.A., Archaeology, Department of Archaeology, University of Tehran

Teaching Experience

Research Interests


  1. AJORLOO, Bahram (2016) The early pottery Neolithic tradition of the Salmas plain in Azerbaijan, NW Iranian plateau, The Neolithic of the Iranian Plateau, in M. Mashkour et al. (eds.), Berlin: Exoriente.
  2. AJORLOO, Bahram (2015) On the idea of Sassanid hunting pavilions, Journal of Art & Civilization of the Orient 3 (8): 21-6.
  3. AJORLOO, Bahram & Takavar, Haniyeh (2014) On the origin and meaning of the tree of life in the art of Iranian Bronze Age, International Research Journal of  Applied and Basic Sciences 8 (1): 130-4.
  4. AJORLOO, Bahram (2013) The early Neolithic period in the Lake Urmia region: A prospect of Neolithization & impression of the Zagros traditions, Journal of Art & Civilization of the Orient 1 (1): 31-40.
  5. AJORLOO, Bahram (2013) The survey of socio- cultural influence of the Kura- Araxes culture (II) on the Iranian central plateau, Proceedings of the International Symposium titled as Naxçivan: the First Urbanization & the Salt Mining in Duzdağ [Naxçıvan: ilkin şəhər və Duzdağ] (27th-28th June 2012), in I. M. Haciyev et al. (eds), Baku: Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences, pp. 177-186.
  6. AJORLOO, Bahram (2012) Beyond Naxçivan: the Kura- Araxes art of pottery & the Great road of Khorasan, Proceedings of the International Symposium titled as Naxçivan as the 1st Human Settlement & Urban Dwelling [Naxçivan Ilk Yaşayiş və Şəhərsalma Yeri Kimi] (20th-24th June 2011), in I. M. Haciyev et al. (eds), Baku: Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences, pp. 262-270.
  7. AJORLOO, Bahram (2011) The Islamic Archaeology in Iran: An Approach to the Study of Cultural- Social Interactions in the Islamic Era, Proceedings of the 1th International Congress on Islamic Archaeology (8th- 10th April 2005), in H. Eren (ed.) Istanbul: IRCICA, pp. 191-200.
  8. AJORLOO, Bahram (2009) Iranian Azerbaijan through the Post- Urartian Era, Azerbaijani Archaeology & Ethnography 6 (2): 43-56.
  9. AJORLOO, Bahram (2008) the Neolithization Process in Azerbaijan: An Introduction to Review, Proceedings of the 5th ICAANE (5- 8 April 2006), in Ma Córdoba, Joaquín et al. (eds.) Vol. I, Madrid: UAM Ediciones, pp. 107-25.
  10. AJORLOO, Bahram (2008) the Persian Empire, Archaeologica: the World's Most Significant Sites & Cultural Treasures, in A. Cremin (ed.) London: Frances Lincoln Publishers Ltd., pp. 224-231.
  11. AJORLOO, Bahram & Mansouri, S. A. (2006) Architecture of Azerbaijan in Ilkhanid Era, the Case Study: A New Archaeological Research on the Ark of Alishah in Tabriz, Proceedings of the 5thConference of Societas Iranologica Europaea (Ravenna, 6-11 Oct. 2003), Vol. 2, Classical & Contemporary Iranian Studies, in A. Panaino & R. Zipoli (eds.) Milano: MIMESIS, pp. 3-13.
  12. AJORLOO, Bahram & Ghadim, F. I. (2005) 20-inci Yüzyıl’da İran Arkeolojisindeki Değişiklikler Üzerine Yeni Gözlemler, Jahrbuch für Kleinasiatische ForschungDepartment of Archaeology, University of Istanbul 18: 183-206


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Address : Faculty of Cultural Materials Conservation, Tabriz Islamic Art University, Azadi Blvd, Tabriz, IRAN

Phone : +98-41-35297140   Fax :+98-41-35419968

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